For new JORDAN GAS TRANSMISSION PIPELINE (JGTP) located in Jordan, Forain supplied two high efficiency and pressure separators (600 RF).
Forain (SLVS) separators are designed for all applications where high efficiency solid and liquid particle removal is required. The use of these separators is the best solution to remove large amounts of liquid from the gas flow.
Lubricating oil from process gas, entrainments in natural gas lines upstream the compression, reduction and measurement stations can be considered as additional applications for this type of product. The operating principle of our separator is to remove the most consistent particles that pass through the separator at the gas inlet.
The FORAIN separator (SLVS) consists of two stages:
- At the first stage, there is a Schoepentoeter, the purpose of which is to separate the largest both liquid and solid ones inside the gas.
- At the second stage a vane unit is installed to separate liquid particles in the gas up to 99.9% > 3 microns.
All impurities removed from the gas are properly collected and drained through a dedicated drainage system. FORAIN separator has been sized considering the maximum pressure drop of 0.3 barg.
FORAIN SLVS separator does not need any special maintenance, as both the Schoepentoeter and the vane unit are self-cleaning.